Blocworx started out as a piece of hardcoded software designed to track a single process on a production line. Since 2017 it has become alot more. As requirements came in for new processes to be tracked, we had to come up with a solution that allowed our customers to build processes on the fly without the need for developers.
The types of pages and forms our customers can build are alot more advanced than a basic form builder with validation rules. We have taken it alot further and got it to a point where entire products, business systems and tracking systems can be built by someone in house without the need for a developer to intervene.
Although you can buy our great pre-made products on this site, we invite you to utilise the power of the system and build your own.
Set up your pages in your preferred layout and then implement our wide range of fields from normal text fields to fancier word editor fields, to buttons, files and dropdowns. Use our our Autogenerate, Profile Creator and Mail Alert fields to create great applications. We are constantly adding to the wide variaty of capabilities.
For each field, you can rules, parameters, settings and sizes. There are rules that allow you to check other forms for pieces of data, check validation of what you entered, set limits to prevent duplicates, and many many more. Its possible to join up all the forms by changing parameters and creating dependencies. You can build a powerful product or even an entire process without needing a developer.