Blocworx was thrilled to be finalised for a second year in row for the LEO national enterprise awards for ‘The Most Innovative Company’ award.
In 2019, Blocworx won the most innovative business award for our software solution.

Blocworx was thrilled to be finalised for a second year in row for the LEO national enterprise awards for ‘The Most Innovative Company’ award.
In 2019, Blocworx won the most innovative business award for our software solution.
As the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) continues to spread across the world, our uncompromising priorities at Blocworx remain the success of our clients, the safety of our employees and supporting efforts that combat this outbreak using the best methods we can.
As a company, we are committed to providing a safe environment for our employees and ensuring business continuity, to best service our customers and partners.
We are confident that the effects of the coronavirus (COVID-19) will not impact the Blocworx platform and our commitment to our global community of users is steady. Thank you for your continued support and trust in us.
We have ensured that our team members have everything they need to work remotely and to continue executing their jobs securely. We have increased channels of internal communication, and as always, prioritise communication with you, our clients, so you can remain focused on your business priorities.
Today, multiple non-profit organisations, hospitals and universities are using Blocworx to accelerate their efforts to create a positive impact on the world. We are continuously inspired by the incredible ways Blocworx has helped these organisations help others.
In light of the ongoing outbreak, we aim to help as many businesses as we can to accomplish more. We believe in the power of our platform to help any business work better, particularly in a remote environment and we want to do our part to support the efforts combating COVID-19.With that goal, we are offering free use of our platform to any non-profit organisations working to fight the coronavirus outbreak. We will also provide you with the support you need to get the platform up and running quickly and efficiently. We want to support front line staff with our software that can manage and track patient, staff and operations information. Please reach out to us if your non-profit organisation is interested in using Blocworx for this purpose.
Helping businesses with communication and collaboration challenges they face on a daily basis is an essential part of our platform. Many businesses have chosen to use our platform to improve their daily workflow, but working remotely takes time to redefine this. We know that for so many of you, the shift to work remotely was unexpected. To help ease this transition, we’ve complied a brief list of positive remote working habits to get started with.
Try find yourself a dedicated and comfortable spot to work that you can associate with your job and leave when you’re off the clock. That means get off the couch and definitely off the bed.
When working from home, you should also introduce a more structured daily plan. Usually our time and the structure of our day is influenced by other people. Your’re going to notice your day will be lacking the normal structure that you usually have. Time spent in self-isolation is better structured.
Think beyond email and use other digital tools that can better replicate the in-person office experience and provide for clear communication. Daily meetings can be held using video conferencing services like Zoom or Skype. This can provide you the structure to ensure accurate feedback on projects and ensure tasks are completed efficiently.
During times like these, we’re all glued to the news. We’re continuing to monitor the situation with updates from the World Health Organisation, among other sources and guidelines. We are also committed to reassessing the situation and adjusting our plans accordingly. Don’t forget to stay active and healthy in this difficulty period.
Thank you for your trust in us. Let’s all stay happy, healthy and keep washing our hands!
For more information, on our progress, follow us on LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter: @blocworx